Irmão Costa Da Caparica Lisbon

Live your dream
Irmão is an experience, a celebration of diversity, culture and creativity. Here, we encourage you to treat yourself, to slow down, and to savor the good and simple things in life.
Pampa roof and disco balls at Praia Irmão
Beautiful mind inspires others
Un bel esprit en inspire d'autres
Uma mente bonita inspira os outros
Extraordinary decor elements were handpicked from around the world, reflecting the diverse cultures that come together to form our Big Family.
Des éléments de décoration ont été soigneusement choisis aux quatre coins du monde, reflétant les cultures diverses qui se réunissent pour former notre Grande Famille.
Foram escolhidos cuidadosamente elementos de decoração extraordinários de todo o mundo, refletindo diferentes culturas que se juntam para formar a nossa Grande Família.
Every piece holds a unique story. Our space is a blend of handpicked treasures from Iran, Turkey, India, Morocco, and beyond. handmade unique pieces ARE crafted in-house by our talented team, using the ancient Japanese technique of Shou Sugi Ban to preserve the beauty of the woodwork against time's embrace.

From the colorful dry plant roof to the beach lounge where you'll relax, everything here is made with love and care.
Handcrafted in-house fabrics with lace and mirrors, decorating beach beds.
Hand-painted golden symbols by local artists, decorating the venue.
Plants suspended in disco balls, adding a unique touch to the restroom decor.
Sofas adorned with unique and colorfull Turkish patterned fabrics in our Gypsy Saloon.

Place of Happiness

Our mission is simple: to spread happiness. We are a big family that dreams, laughs, works, and loves together. Our goal is to create a space where everyone feels they belong, where good times and a passion for life are celebrated in abundance.
Notre mission est simple : répandre le bonheur. Nous sommes une grande famille qui rêve, rit, travaille et aime ensemble. Notre objectif est de créer un espace où chacun se sent chez soi, où les bons moments et la passion de la vie sont célébrés en abondance.
A nossa missão é simples: espalhar felicidade. Somos uma grande família que sonha, sorri, trabalha e ama em conjunto. O nosso propósito é criar um espaço onde todos se sintam parte integrante, onde os bons momentos e a paixão pela vida sejam celebrados em abundância.
I am because We are
Our philosophy is deeply rooted in Ubuntu, an African concept that emphasizes the importance of community and compassion. Ubuntu teaches us that "I am" only because "we are," fostering a sense of belonging, respect, and humility. We believe in the power of coming together, where common bonds unite us beyond individual differences.
Batukada performers playing on the beach.

Praia Irmão

Irmão, born from the hearts of two brothers and one sister, now thrives as a diverse and vibrant community of individuals from around the globe, each contributing their unique stories, experiences, talents, and strengths.
Irmão, né des cœurs de deux frères et d'une sœur, est aujourd'hui une communauté diverse et vibrante, rassemblant des individus du monde entier, chacun apportant ses histoires et expériences uniques, ses forces et talents.
O Irmão, nascido do coração de uma irmã e dois irmãos, é agora uma comunidade diversificada e vibrante de indivíduos de todo o mundo. Cada um, contribui com as suas histórias, experiências, talentos e pontos fortes únicos.
Happy mind happy life
Mente feliz, vida feliz
Irmão embodies more than just a destination; it's a lifestyle. Whether you're chilling on a sun-bed or surfing the mellow waves of the Atlantic, Irmão is your escape from the daily routine. Get your feet sandy, your hair salty, and embrace the freedom to be yourself.
Irmão incarne plus qu'une simple destination ; c'est un mode de vie. Que vous vous détendiez sur un transat ou que vous surfiez les vagues douces de l'Atlantique, Irmão est votre échappatoire à la routine quotidienne. Mettez du sable sous vos pieds, du sel dans vos cheveux, et prenez la liberté d'être vous-même.
O Irmão é muito mais do que um mero destino; é um estilo de vida. Quer esteja a relaxar numa espreguiçadeira ou a surfar nas ondas suaves do Atlântico, o Irmão é a sua fuga à rotina diária. Deixe a areia cobrir-lhe os pés, o sal entranhar-se no cabelo e abrace a liberdade de ser você mesmo.
People dancing on the beach at sunset, capturing the vibrant energy of Praia Irmão.
We are committed to making a positive impact on the world around us. Through beach cleanups, donations, and sustainable practices, we strive to protect our environment and promote wellness for all.
Nous sommes déterminés à avoir un impact positif sur notre environnement. Grâce aux nettoyages de plages, aux dons et aux pratiques durables, nous nous efforçons de protéger notre planète et de promouvoir le bien-être pour tous.
Estamos empenhados em criar um impacto positivo no mundo que nos rodeia. Através de limpezas de praias, donativos e práticas sustentáveis, esforçamo-nos por proteger o meio ambiente e promover o bem-estar de todos.
More details about our conscious hospitality program coming soon…
Des détails sur notre programme d’hospitalité durable à venir bientôt…
Mais detalhes sobre o nosso programa de hospitalidade sustentável…
Are you looking for a new work adventure?Come, be part of our caring community, where happiness is not just a destination but a way of life.
Happy Magic Team at Praia Irmão, spreading joy and positive vibes.